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Rain gutters are an essential structural component in protecting your home

against water damage. But where exactly did this architectural element


Rain Gutters in Ancient History

The earliest forms of gutters date back to the Indus Valley civilization

between 3000 BC and 1500 BC.

Constructed from bricks made out of burnt clay, these ancient gutters would

serve less than modern purposes, as they were fashioned into a waterbased

toilet system. In ancient Egypt and Greece, gargoyles resembling a

lion’s head were used to divert water from structures by acting as water


The Romans also engaged in early forms of guttering between 27 BC – 14

AD. During the Roman Empire, the Romans transformed road

development through the creation of crowns, slightly higher elevation in the

middle of the street, to create a runoff of water into gutters. However, the

turning point in gutter history came when the Romans brought the

technology to Britain in 47 AD.

Rain Gutters in the Middle Ages

The spread of the Norman Empire between the 10th and 13th centuries

caused a shift in architecture with the introduction of stone roofs and

parapets. Due to the changes in roof styles, gargoyles become the

dominant and sole gutter system.

Rain Gutters in the 18th Century

The early 1700s, cast iron became a very plentiful and cheap material. The

material quickly gained popularity and eventually replaced lead as the main

metal used in gutter creation. As the century progressed, wooden gutters

began to be placed on to public buildings and wealthy homes.

Due to the aesthetically pleasing nature of the wooden V-shaped gutter,

combined with functionality, this style continued well into the 20th century.

Rain Gutters in the 20th Century

The 20th century showcased how to implement new technologies and

materials in gutter systems. The invention of metal rolling machines led to

half-round steel gutters being installed on buildings.

During the World War II era, plastic was developed and this material

became the dominant ingredient for creating gutters. In the 1960s, the

gutter industry was completely revolutionized by the invention of the

seamless aluminum gutter machine. Stronger and lighter than other metals

used to create gutters, it is no surprise that aluminum continues to be the

dominant metal used in guttering today.

When in Rome, do what the Romans do and maintain your system through

regular gutter cleanings. With the evolution of gutters explained, it is

important to note that all of these systems have one thing in common, the

ability to clog up and cease working.

Get the Latest & Greatest Gutters for Your Home!

It’s time you show your home how lucky you feel having a modern gutter

system by calling That Gutter Company for a little TLC. After all, we build the

thickest, strongest gutters money can buy! Call today to get started!

Source: Ned Stevens

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