Local. Family Owned. Trusted.
About ThAt Gutter Company
See the Difference with our #1 Rated Gutter Services

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In 2017 I set upon fulfilling my childhood dream of operating a food business. I opened up Marva Jeanne’s Catering in memoriam of my grandmother. I was very excited and proud to finally be doing ‘it’. Everything seemed to be falling into place to achieve my dreams. While I was chasing that vision God placed it on my heart to abandon them.
At that time, installing gutters, was my day job. It was merely to pay my bills while I pursued what I truly ‘wanted’. Sometimes we need to sacrifice what we want to be able to find what God wants for us. I was inspired/instructed through prayer to start a gutter company. That Gutter Company was founded based on the foundation and belief that I would use the revenue to fund my own ministry and help change the world in a small way. I am particularly passionate about the people of Botswana, as I had served there in my teenage years.
I felt That Gutter Company would pave the way for me to return and continue my servitude. Little did I know, that I could serve others by just working. At one point I started doubting the mission of That Gutter Company, in the sense that it was going to create opportunities for overseas missions.. That is when a couple of customers were brought into my life with whom I prayed. That was when I realized what my mission was during this time. I didn’t have to wait to serve people, I was already doing it!
In 2021 I heard the term Avodah for the first time. Avodah is a Hebrew term that translates to work, worship, and service. Used throughout the Bible Avodah tells us that God’s design was for our work, worship, and service to be joined seamlessly. We don’t need to go on a trip to Southern Africa or Central Asia to serve. We are destined to do it in our day-to-day life. That is what That Gutter Company is all about, servitude. In everything we do we serve our customers with a heart filled with love. That love and service is to be extended to all whom we come across in life regardless of religious affiliation, gender, age, or life circumstances. That is what you get when you hire That Gutter Company, a team that is passionate about helping others. I encourage everyone reading this to research Avodah for yourself. Be Blessed!
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