Local. Family Owned. Trusted.

Meet The Family

See the Difference with our #1 Rated Gutter Services

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About Us

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I'm a father of 8 amazing kids. I grew up in a small town in northwestern Michigan, right in the heart of the Manistee National Forest. This upbringing gave me a deep love and appreciation for nature. I love to fish, go hiking, mushroom hunting , and all sorts of outdoor activities. TOTALLY serious! I love every aspect of the gutter business. I particularly love installing because of the opportunity I get to build relationships with our customers. I love driving by houses and telling my kids "I installed gutters there.". Even better is when I point out a house and share something memorable about the person who makes that house a home, including praying with them.

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Jasmyne is a Quality-Driven & Efficiency-Minded Gutter hanging machine. She is the type who will literally lose sleep if something wasn't done on a job to her high standards. This is a picture of her after installing your gutters, because she gave EVERYTHING and will not lose sleep because she knows that your job was completed to the highest possible quality. (She approved this message) Jasmyne loves talking about what Christ has done in her life. We adore Jasmyne because of the love she has for our customers and team members. She is essential to building a great company culture.

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Exterior Guru

I can't express how thrilled I was to have Robert on the team. He embodied the culture we wanted to create and has exceptional experience in various exterior installation methods and processes." -David Robert is our efficiency-driven quality-minded installation tech. He loves Jesus and if you give him a chance he will most certainly be the one praying with the gas station attendant. (True Story)Rob's hobbies include working out and shooting. We love Rob and everything he brings to the table. Paired with Jasmyne they make a great installation team and will ensure that our job is done in an efficient manner with quality-focused results.

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The Pastor

At this point, you must be thinking one of two things. We are either a bunch of Jesus Freak weirdos or we have an awesome faith-based culture. You would be right about both! Mike is no exception to that! He's literally a pastor. He is also our Sales Manager! Mike will be building a sales team based upon solutions, results, and integrity. All skills he himself has. His passions include ministry, music, and video-games. He brings a lot to the table for our team and we are stoked to see the positive changes he will implement.

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Virginia is the love of Davids life. She is a phenomenal worker in her field, advocating for people that have no one. She is a loving, compassionate, and Godly woman. She enjoys cookies, family time, and softball. She is the glue that holds the Lefler family together. She's also a firecracker. Perhaps that's where Colin gets it from.

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Colin is 8 and quite the firecracker. He enjoys riding his bike and seeing how many gray hairs he can give his mother. He absolutely loves supporting That Gutter Company and is not often seen without an That Gutter Company shirt or a tye dye shirt. Maybe we should do tye dye shirts with our logo.

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Evalina is five and she is the daughter of David. Evalina loves puppies and climbing stairs, yes climbing stairs is exciting to some people. Be careful with her outside in the winter. She is not attested to throwing snowballs. Evie is now four, and I dont have the heart to delete the previous information as it reminds me how fast they grow. She is still quite adventurous and can never sit still, she keeps us healthy and on her feet.

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Bryson is 11 and is the son of David. He loves Fort-nite, as any child these days do. Though he is an avid gamer he loves to play outside with our new dog Naya, shoot nerf guns, and virtually anything outdoors. He even enjoys going out on the job and learning a thing or two. He is a natural diplomat and dubbed the peacemaker with our kids.

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Tinslee is most certainly the diva of the family. You never have to wonder what she is thinking or feeling. Tinslee is 8 years old and still has not grasped that her dad owns the business. It is quite funny. She enjoys playing with dolls and her sisters.

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The Twins

Sheila is the twin alongside Abi. She loves to help others and stick up for her friends and family if she feels they were wronged. She is certainly the strongest of our children but also the most compassionate. Abigail is certainly the most likely to become a gutter installer. Currently it's between that and a doctor. She is half of a set of twins at 11 years old. She loves to learn and to help wherever she can.

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Brendan is the youngest of the team. Brendan joined the team on February 1st 2023. His favorite things are to sleep and snuggle mommy.His favorite food is Milk. yum.

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